The Western Australian Curriculum ensures that Science provides opportunities for students to develop an understanding of important science concepts and processes, the practices used to develop scientific knowledge, of science’s contribution to our culture and society and its applications in our lives.
The curriculum supports students to develop the scientific knowledge, understandings and skills to make informed decisions about local, national and global issues and to participate in science-related careers if they choose. It includes six overarching ideas that highlight common approaches to a scientific view of the world and which can be applied to many of the areas of science understanding. These overarching ideas are patterns, order and organisation; form and function; stability and change; systems; scale and measurement; and matter and energy.
At Cape Naturaliste College, the Science Learning Area programs integrate the latest evidence-based approaches to Science education to ensure the themes and content of the WA Science Curriculum are met; not only to provide students with a strong academic base to take into Upper School but also to investigate and understand science in the real world which they are part of. We integrate STEM-focused activities throughout our programs as we believe the Science aspects of STEM cannot be taught separately from the technological, engineering and mathematics based skills and knowledge that students need to access the increasingly complex role of science and technology in our lives.