Cape Naturaliste College

Parents & Citizens Association

The Cape Naturaliste College Parents and Citizens Association (P&C) is a school-based organisation with membership open to parents, teachers, students and interested citizens. The committee meets once a month on the second Monday evening at the school and meeting last only one hour maximum.  New members are always welcome.

“a forum to bring parents, citizens, students and teaching staff together”

The CNC P&C has many functions:


  • Manages the CNC Café
  • Contributes funds to the school from fund raising projects and the Café for all types of purposes. Some previous funding has gone to provide shades sails, outdoor seating, awards for students, Music Room decoration and sporting equipment
  • A forum to bring parents, citizens, students and teaching staff together
  • It gives parents a chance to keep up to date with all school activities and to have a say in any issues that concern them or their child at our School.
  • It is an opportunity to contribute to the School’s resources through various fundraising projects and be involved in deciding how the money raised is spent.


If you are interested in joining the committee or assisting with fund raising projects, please email capenatcollegepnc@gmail.com or contact the CNC front office.